Saturday, April 4, 2009

Introducing Tom Hammer

Tom Hammer is someone I've know through message boards, emails, and fantasy contests for the past two years. He's had a ton of success at all sorts of fantasy games, and I'm glad to have him on the Draftbug Millionaire team. Here's the introduction he wrote:

Hello everyone, my name is Tom Hammer and I’ll be one of the participants on Draftbug Millionaire. I’d like to start by thanking Alex for letting me participate in this exercise. I’m looking forward to hearing about how other "experts" prepare for the season and the strategies they use to win at these games. I always have an open mind and I’m always looking to improve my own skills. I’ll be playing under the userid "The Hammer" on DraftBug.

Now I’ll tell you a little about myself. I’ve been playing these fantasy games for over 20 years now and have always been obsessed with "beating the system". My idea of fun was coming up with systems to beat horse racing, dog racing, jai alai, and football. I spent hours, days, weeks, and years perfecting these systems. None of them ever became the profit machines that I had envisioned, but they did lay down the foundation of something that did – Fantasy Sports. Using the knowledge that I had gained , I started playing Fantasy Sports for money – and I was successful, very successful. Over the past 10 years I’ve won well over six figures in cash (my favorite prize), trips, TVs, all sorts of electronic gadgets, books, and DVDs. My point isn’t to try to impress you, but rather to show you that making money and winning prizes at Fantasy Sports is indeed possible, if you are willing to use some brainpower and are willing to learn from your mistakes. I don’t win all the time, but I do learn from all of my losses. In that way, losing is actually more important that winning. Losing actually provides the blueprint for your success.

In my posts I’ll attempt to show you my thought process when playing a game for the first time. What things I look for, what simple strategies I use, etc. Hopefully you’ll learn something and hopefully I’ll learn something as well because I know I don’t have all the answers.

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